The Christchurch Civic Crèche Case

Law Reform Index

The Prosecution of Sexual Offences

This page last updated Jan 31 2005

2004-0130 - NZ Herald - Handling sexual abuse
by John Anderson - Catriona MacLennan on your Perspectives page [NZ Herald, 27 Jan 04] claimed there was unanimity at a forum about the prosecution of sexual offences. I was there and that was not my recollection. Some of her points were :

2004-0127 - NZ Herald - Time to improve a bruising process
by Catriona MacLennan - New Zealand's sexual-offence criminal trial process is a bruising one in which victims are typically left feeling humiliated and powerless. Where consent is at issue, the conviction rate is extremely low, resulting in a lack of confidence in the system. Now is the time to consider how the process could be improved. The public issues committee of the Auckland District Law Society, in a June 2002 report, called for a review of the procedures for the trial of those accused of rape and other sexual offences.

2002-0620 - Auckland District Law Society - Sexual Crimes: Trial Process Needs Review
new Jan 31 2005
by Frances Joychild and Katherine Anderson - The Public Issues Committee of the Auckland District Law Society calls for a review of the procedures by which rape and other sexual offences are tried in the criminal justice system. Despite there being many positive reforms of the rape law in the past 20 years it is evident that there is still a substantial degree of under-reporting of sexual crimes. For example, Rape Crisis Centre reports that less than a third of the people who contact it have reported the sexual crime to the police