Moral Panics

Fear of perverts in aircraft


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Perverts in Aircraft

News Reports 4 :    2006
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This page last updated Oct 27 2006

2006-0629 - NZ Herald - Airline policy on men goes to human rights tribunal
by Derek Cheng  - An airline policy that prevents men from being seated next to unaccompanied children could pave the way for similar discriminatory policies to run rampant, says National's Wayne Mapp. Dr Mapp yesterday laid a claim with the Human Rights Review Tribunal, saying that Qantas and Air New Zealand's seating policy breached the Human Rights Act. He said the policy discriminated against men and implied they were dangerous.

2006-0514 - Sunday Star Times - Mapp takes action on airlines
New Oct 27 2006
by Irene Chapple -
National MP Wayne Mapp is taking his complaint about two airlines banning men from sitting next to unknown children to the Human Rights Review Tribunal. Mapp raised the issue in December after Auckland father Mark Worsley complained that he was asked to move on a Qantas flight when an unaccompanied child was seated next to him. Worsley's case triggered dozens of complaints to the Human Rights Commission, including one from Mapp

2006-0506 - Nelson Mail - A bloke on the wharf, fishing for fatherhood
by Kevin Gill - If we continue to denigrate men, continue to blame men for all that seems wrong in the world, if we continue to alienate men from family-type community groups and pre-school teaching, if we continue to accept rules like "no men sitting with unaccompanied children on planes", then keep watching as our social problems rise.

2006-0309 - Manawatu Standard - Flight rules
by Alan Radford -
Last week, Air New Zealand said it would continue its sexist, prejudiced policy of not letting males sit next to unaccompanied children. The killer of Lillybing, being female, presumably gets Air New Zealand's blessing

2006-0227 - Dominion Post - Air NZ sticks to its child seating policy
Air New Zealand is not backing down from a ban on seating unaccompanied children next to male passengers on flights, despite an official complaint by National Party political correctness spokesman Wayne Mapp. He has filed a formal submission to the Human Rights Commission against the policy, which is used by both Qantas and Air New Zealand