Moral Panics in New Zealand

Fear of pervert Drivers

Moral Panics Index

Banning Drivers, Index

Banning drivers with convictions
Reports 1 (2004-2005)

Act Party
September 21 2004

New legislation won't improve taxi industry
Press release
by Deborah Coddington, M.P.


Contrary to expectations, the Land Transport Amendment Bill will not clear unsafe drivers out of the taxi industry, ACT New Zealand Transport Spokesman Deborah Coddington said today.

“Transport Safety Minister Harry Duynhoven believes people convicted of serious sexual or violent offences will not be granted taxi licenses,” Miss Coddington said.

“However, this depends on the Land Transport Safety Authority’s director.  Under the Bill as it stands, anyone already driving taxis who has a conviction for sex offences will not automatically have their licence cancelled.

“When the licence comes up for renewal, the LTSA’s director need only take into account anything that might affect the person’s suitability to be a taxi driver.

“But answers to my Parliamentary Questions reveal that the LTSA doesn’t even maintain a record of taxi drivers’ criminal convictions.

“I don’t think that’s good enough.  Anyone convicted of any sex offence – serious or minor – should automatically be disqualified from driving taxis.

“It would be relatively easy for the LTSA to maintain a database of drivers’ convictions, complaints and other ‘black marks’.  In my sex offender index, I list at least 21 taxi drivers convicted of abusing passengers – and that’s just the ones I can legally name.

“We need a thorough clean-out of the taxi industry.  This legislation won’t do that.

“I will be seeking support from all members of the Transport Select Committee – Labour, National, New Zealand First, United and the Greens – to toughen up this law so that predatory taxi drivers are eliminated from the industry.

“It’s the least we can do to preserve the status of those good, honest drivers who – like me – have had a guts full of the sleazebags,” Miss Coddington said.