Moral Panics in New Zealand

Fear of pervert Drivers

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Banning Drivers, Index

Banning drivers with convictions
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2005-0421 - United Future Party - Greens mad on killer cabbies!
by Marc Alexander - Marc Alexander today slammed the Greens “over-weaning concern” for serious criminals who they would have driving cabs...... "Can we think about the safety of the paying public here?" Mr Alexander said...... I don’t care if the conviction was 30 years before. It is the proverbial no-brainer," he said

2005-0415 - NZ Parliament - Land Transport Amendment Bill  (pdf)
The bill prohibits those convicted on or after the commencement of this Act of specified serious offences including murder, serious sexual offences and serious violent offences from holding or applying for a passenger endorsement on their driver licence.
.........We considered whether this should be extended to persons convicted of these offences before the commencement of this Act. We received advice that extending the provision was not inconsistent with the principle against retroactive penalties contained in section 26 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.   ..... However, the Green Party is concerned at the permanent and retrospective exclusions created by new clause 29A. Under this clause someone who committed a serious offence in their teens, served their time and has then led a blameless life for 20 or 30 years will lose their taxi licence with no possibility of reinstatement.

2004-0921 - Act Party - New legislation won't improve taxi industry
by Deborah Coddington -
Anyone convicted of any sex offence – serious or minor – should automatically be disqualified from driving taxis....... “I will be seeking support from all members of the Transport Select Committee – Labour, National, New Zealand First, United and the Greens – to toughen up this law so that predatory taxi drivers are eliminated from the industry. “It’s the least we can do to preserve the status of those good, honest drivers who – like me – have had a guts full of the sleazebags,” Miss Coddington said