Moral Panics in New Zealand

Fear of pervert Drivers

Moral Panics Index

Banning Drivers, Index

Banning drivers with convictions
Reports 1 (2004-2005)

United Future Party
April 21 2005

Greens mad on killer cabbies!
Press Release
by Marc Alexander

United Future’s Marc Alexander today slammed the Greens “over-weaning concern” for serious criminals who they would have driving cabs.

"Can we think about the safety of the paying public here?" Mr Alexander said in response to the Greens’ dissenting view on a select committee report that would ban all convicted murderers and serious sex offenders from driving taxis, under the Land Transport Amendment Bill.

"If you are paying for public transport, you are paying for safety, and you have the right to travel without fear that you are being taken through the back streets by someone who has killed or molested or raped - and I don’t care if the conviction was 30 years before. It is the proverbial no-brainer," he said.

"I don’t accept the Greens’ ‘well if they haven’t offended for years…’ line. Shall we take that approach with teachers with a predilection for child pornography or child sex convictions many years before? Of course we wouldn’t - and neither should we with the safety of the travelling public."