Moral Panics in New Zealand

Fear of pervert Drivers

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Banning Drivers, Index

Banning drivers with convictions
Reports 2 (1-13 Jan 2006)

Newstalk ZB
January 11 2006  09:28

Driver suspended for decades-old sex crime

The employer of a bus driver whose license has been suspended for a crime he committed 34 years ago says the government needs to rethink its legislation.

Dunedin Passenger Transport driver Lloyd Walsh was told by Land Transport New Zealand this week his license will be suspended because of a crime he committed when he was 16.

Mr Walsh was convicted of carnal knowledge after he and his girlfriend decided to sleep together two days before her 16th birthday.

His boss Phil Boel says new legislation designed to weed out serious sex offenders is too strict. He says there is now nothing the company can do to help Mr Walsh, a single father of two, who now has no job.