Moral Panics in New Zealand

Fear of pervert Drivers

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Banning Drivers, Index

Banning drivers with convictions
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2006-0113 - - Sex abuse hysteria obviously still a problem
The New Zealand sex abuse moral panic shows no sign of abating. An obvious sign of this was the reluctance of Parliamentarians to make a stand against a nonsensical new law that puts professional drivers out of work...... The sex abuse witchhunt will not end until our political leaders have the moral courage to say enough is enough. Sex abuse is a serious offence, but surely those guilty of historical consensual sex with a girl two days short of her 16th birthday, should not be treated as worse than murderers

2006-0113 - United Future Party - Driver sex cases breach Bill of Rights Act
by Peter Dunne - United Future leader Peter Dunne pointed out today that the legislation that will cause some bus drivers to lose their jobs, because of minor sexual offences committed several decades ago, appears to breach the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. "Section 26 states that 'No one who has been finally acquitted or convicted of, or pardoned for, an offence shall be tried or punished for it again,' " he said.

2006-0113 - The Press - New law forces driver to quit,
by Alan Wood - Kaiapoi bus driver Beau Harrison will not be behind the wheel on Monday because of a new law that dredges up his 40-year-old criminal conviction. Harrison is close to retirement, but the Land Transport Amendment Act 2005, which comes into force on Monday, will prematurely end his driving career.........Harrison is being forced to cut his driving career short because of a short-term relationship nearly 40 years ago. Now aged 62, he had all but forgotten about his involvement with a young woman when they both worked in a North Island shearing gang. He did not realise she was under 16, and was fined for unlawful carnal knowledge

2006-0113 - One News - Duynhoven back tracks over new law
The minister of transport safety Harry Duynhoven says new legislation which will put professional drivers out of work for decades-old, low-level sexual offences needs to be revisited. The Land Transport Amendment Act, which comes into effect on Monday, stops people who've committed murder, serious violent and sexual offences from being licensed to drive passengers

2006-0113 - NZ Herald - Duynhoven to fine-tune bus law
by Simon O'Rourke - Transport Safety Minister Harry Duynhoven is promising to take a leadership role in revisiting a controversial law that from Monday will see up to 400 bus and taxi drivers lose their right to transport passengers. The livelihood of hundreds of bus and taxi drivers is being taken away as the new legislation precluding certain criminal offenders from holding a passenger transport licence ("P" endorsement) comes into force. The Bus and Coach Association and Taxi Federation say many of their members will be unfairly punished.

2006-0113 - Newzeal Blog - How the Free Market Would Protect Your Daughter
by Trevor Loudon - So how would a free market approach improve the situation? In a free society, taxi companies would hire staff, with full access to applicants conviction records. The companies would be liable for damages should one of their employees harm a passenger. To guard against this, each company would carry public liability insurance. Insurance companies and the taxi company would then have a real interest in assessing the risk posed to the public by any prospective employee

2006-0113 - Newstalk ZB - Reprieve for convicted bus and taxi drivers?
A possible reprieve for some bus and taxi drivers who will lose their license when a controversial new law comes in on Monday. There has been public outcry as drivers face losing their licenses over minor crimes committed many years ago. Transport Safety Minister Harry Duynhoven is now promising to look at the issue

2006-0113 - Manawatu Standard - Historic sex crimes hit professional drivers
by Grant Miller and NZPA - Several Palmerston North bus and taxi drivers are believed to be among more than 200 nationwide who will be sidelined from Monday for crimes they committed decades ago. Professional drivers with serious convictions have been sent don't-come-Monday letters -- they will be barred from transporting passengers when the Land Transport Amendment Act comes into force next week. The Manawatu Standard spoke to staff at two companies in Palmerston North and both confirmed they have drivers affected by the legislation.

2006-0113 - Kiwi Blog - Licence Farce continues
by David Farrar - The farce over the licence law continues. Now it appears if you were once convicted of sodomy (when it was illegal) you might also lose your passenger transport licence. Let this be a lesson to all MPs about why you should not make laws retrospective unless the nation's vital interests are at stake. You don't do it just to scratch an itch

2006-0113 - Green Party - Greens warned of problem with bus and taxi licenses
by Keith Locke - The cases of bus and taxi drivers losing their licenses for long-past minor sexual offences is exactly what the Green Party warned would happen when the new land transport law was being debated last year, Associate Transport Spokesperson Keith Locke says. The Greens supported the Land Transport Amendment Bill last year because of the wide range of needed administrative measures it contained. However Mike Ward put forward a minority report at the Select Committee warning of the potential injustice that has now come to pass. At the time, the Greens were criticised for being ‘soft on crime’ for their stand. Mr Locke has today sent Transport Safety Minister Harry Dunyhoven a copy of Mr Ward’s proposed solution.

2006-0112 - Otago Daily Times - Passenger tries to keep driver on the buses
by John Lewis - One of bus driver Lloyd Walsh’s passengers has started a petition to save his licence. Mr Walsh (50) received notification from Land Transport New Zealand this week that his passenger class licence would be suspended indefinitely for a conviction of carnal knowledge. He was convicted of the offence when he was 16 after sleeping with his girlfriend two days before her 16th birthday

Sharon McIntosh and Lloyd Walsh

2006-0112 - NZ Herald - Driver anger at sex offence law grows
by Colin Marshall, NZPA - Bus and taxi drivers are today meeting to discuss what they say is a nonsensical new law that will cost many their jobs for "technical offences" committed decades ago. Land Transport New Zealand last week wrote to 285 drivers saying their P (passenger) endorsement licences would be suspended when the Land Transport Amendment Act takes effect next Monday. Stories have emerged of people losing their licences for decades-old crimes. A Dunedin bus driver's licence is being suspended because as a 16-year-old 34 years ago, he slept with his 15-year-old girlfriend, two days short of her 16th birthday.

2006-0112 - Newstalk ZB - Top bus drivers struck by legislation
Bus companies are concerned they are losing top employees because of new legislation.About 400 people will have their passenger-class licenses revoked next Monday with no right of appeal because of previous criminal convictions for sexual offences.

2006-0111 - Stuff - Licence suspended over 34-year-old crime
A 50-year-old Dunedin bus driver is incensed after his passenger-class licence was suspended by Land Transport New Zealand (LTNZ) for a conviction he received 34 years ago. Dunedin Passenger Transport bus driver Lloyd Walsh returned from his summer holiday on Monday to find a letter from LTNZ saying due to the conviction, his licence would be suspended and he would have no right of appeal, the Otago Daily Times reported yesterday

2006-0111 - Newstalk ZB - LTNZ's hands tied over bus driver
Land Transport New Zealand says it sympathises with a Dunedin bus driver who will lose his job because of a crime he committed as a teen. Thirty four years ago Lloyd Walsh was convicted of unlawful carnal knowledge after he slept with his girlfriend two days before her 16th birthday

2006-0111 - Newstalk ZB - Sacked bus driver is at a loss
A bus driver removed from his duties because of a crime he committed 34 years ago is at a loss as to what he will do now. Lloyd Walsh will only be able to drive his Dunedin Passenger Transport bus until next monday after Land Transport New Zealand revoked his license because he broke the law when he was 16. The 50-year-old solo father was convicted after sleeping with his girlfriend at the time, who was two days off turning 16

2006-0111 - Newstalk ZB - Driver suspended for decades-old sex crime
The employer of a bus driver whose license has been suspended for a crime he committed 34 years ago says the government needs to rethink its legislation. Dunedin Passenger Transport driver Lloyd Walsh was told by Land Transport New Zealand this week his license will be suspended because of a crime he committed when he was 16

2006-0110 - Otago Daily Times - Long-time bus driver has licence suspended
by John Lewis - A 50-year-old Dunedin bus driver is incensed after his passenger-class licence was suspended by Land Transport New Zealand for a conviction he received 34 years ago. Dunedin Passenger Transport bus driver Lloyd Walsh returned from his summer holiday yesterday to find a letter from Land Transport New Zealand saying due to the conviction, his licence would be suspended and he would have no right of appeal. Mr Walsh said he had been a driver with Dunedin Passenger Transport for the past three years and the suspension effectively ended his 29-year career. The suspension was unfair on several levels, he said.