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Drug-rapes Urban Myth


As with all urban myths, it's believable.  It can actually happen, and there are even isolated cases of the problem. But when dozens of cases suddenly get reported, and especially from sexual abuse zealots like Lorraine Jans, one may have hoped that a little skepticism may be displayed from the start.  Sadly that did not happen in December 2006:

Drug-Rape scare in Taranaki; December 2006

Dec 7 2006

Lorraine Jans starts a panic in New Plymouth

Dec 8 2006

Rape Crisis reporting more cases

Dec 8 2006 first to express public scepticism

Dec 9-10 2006

Drug Rape Trust adds comment

Dec 12 2006

Lorraine Jans explains why no police complaints

Dec 14 2006

Rape Crisis talking of nationwide problem

Dec 14 2006

"Urban myth" suggested

Dec 15 2006

Some last reports

Mar 22 2007

Police find no evidence of date-rape drugs


Promoting Drug-rape myth:  Lorraine Jans,  Louise Carroll,


Some better explanations:  Andy King, Greg Newbold

Some Papers Discussing the myth of Drug-rape
from "Spiked" (UK) and the ABC (Australia)
"We've basically declared it [drug spiking] an urban myth," Mr Hanson says. "We believe it's just an excuse to hide abhorrent behaviour or inexperienced drinking, as a way of explaining, or trying to explain away, what young people were doing when they shouldn't be."