The Peter Ellis web site


Seeking justice for Peter Ellis and other victims, past and present,
of the New Zealand sex abuse moral panic

This page last updated October 15 2009

Web Archive:


October 14
Commission of Inquiry declined
- Government decision consistently condemned

“Peter Ellis: The case for a commission of inquiry”

by Ross Francis

Independent Researcher

Author of “New Evidence in the Peter Ellis case” NZ Law Journal, Nov 2007
Media Release
28 September 2009

Minister of Justice must order Commission of Inquiry

In December 2008, author Lynley Hood and former National MPs Don Brash and Katherine Rich wrote to Justice Minister Simon Power. They requested that a Commission of Inquiry be established into the Peter Ellis/Christchurch Civic Creche case.

 They argued: "That the wrongs done in the creche case have not been righted after all this time is nothing short of a scandal. They said the case was New Zealand’s most egregious miscarriage of justice.

A new report into the case, by researcher Ross Francis, underscores the incredible errors on which the case is based, spokesperson Brian Robinson says.


'Peter Ellis: The case for a Commission of Inquiry'  focuses on the role of the Ministry of Justice and, in particular, the advice tendered by its former chief legal counsel, Val Sim. In 2002, Sim advised the then-Justice Minister, Phil Goff, that Lynley Hoods book, 'A City Possessed', did not disclose any new information about the case requiring further inquiry. Francis concludes that Sims advice was unbalanced. He claims that she supplied Goff with "false and misleading information." Francis says that it is "difficult to resist the conclusion that Ministry of Justice officials, and the criminal justice system, have failed Peter Ellis."

In the light of this latest research, the Minister of Justice has no other option but to order a Commission of Inquiry.

'Peter Ellis: The case for a Commission of Inquiry' can be found here:




Peter Ellis, 2004

What's New

October 14 2009

National Government declines Commission of Inquiry

September 2009

Peter Ellis: The case for a commission of inquiry
by Ross Francis.

Ross Francis has carried out extensive research into the Peter Ellis case. He has previously published “New Evidence in the Peter Ellis case” NZ Law Journal, Nov 2007

Feature Articles, Case Summary

News Reports



The Toddler Testimonies - Media Releases

The book - A City Possessed

Academic Papers

Classic Quotes

The Pinocchio Files  

Law Reform Issues

NZ Moral Panics; Hysteria 
Fear of perverts ….

·          At swimming pools

·          Passengers in planes

·          Driving buses

·          Watching gymnastics

·          Teachers

·          In bars - drug-rape

The Ritual Abuse Scare in NZ


New Zealand “justice”
How Louise Sas was promoted from obscurity to be accepted as a “world expert” in children’s memory and suggestibility
“How an old judge was manipulated by the sisterhood; and Peter Ellis and the New Zealand public were robbed of justice

False sex abuse allegations

·          New Zealand cases

·          Discussion

·          NZ Association Counsellors - Complaint

Possible Miscarriages of Justice and other high profile cases in NZ

Abuse Allegations - in Institutions

·          Army, Churches,
Childrens Homes,
Psychiatric Hospitals

Abuse Allegations in NZ Police

·          Louise Nicholas

·          Judith Garrett

·          Trials of top cops

ACC - NZ sex abuse compensation

Police Incompetence; Compensation

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·          Hall of Shame


Links to other sites

·          Analysis of the Eichelbaum report (Harper/Christie)

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Monty Python and the Holy Grail



The Christchurch
Civic Child Care Centre


"A maxim for the twenty-first century might well be to start by not fighting evil in the name of good, but by attacking the certainties of people who claim always to know where good and evil are to be found."  Tzvetan Todorov