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This page last updated 28 September 2006

2005-0724 - Sunday Star Times - Draft teachers' code touchy about hugs
by Tara Ross -
Touching kids is OK for primary teachers, new draft guidelines suggest - but a look might still be enough to get them into trouble. Primary teachers are debating the draft drawn up by the New Zealand Educational Institute (NZEI) designed to replace its controversial eight-page, hands-off code of physical conduct introduced in the mid-1990s after the Christchurch Civic Creche case. Instead of saying teachers should avoid touching children and being alone with them, the guidelines say physical contact is "perfectly acceptable". But they still warn about squeezing students' shoulders and hugging or eye contact that might be misconstrued.

2005-0214 - NZEI Rourou - Learning safe practice
Ken says he was told at teachers college that he should never touch his students but realised that was not practical. “You can’t teach little kids unless you do touch them. That’s my experience. It’s a question of how and when and doing it appropri­ately, that’s what important.” “It’s a common sense thing. It has to be defined, of course. I don’t see a problem with touching a child on the shoulder. I don’t think that’s a sexual thing and let’s be frank: that’s what we are trying to avoid. It’s not talked about in those terms but that’s exactly what we don’t want to be accused of.”