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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

The Evening Post
April 4, 2002

Perverts should be purged
Letter to the Editor
by R Devlin, Upper Hutt

Like all Roman Catholics, I am appalled and very concerned at the comments attributed to Pope John Paul II (Editorial, March 27). But at the same time, if sexual abuse of children is to continue unabated within the Church, it is the Pope as leader who must be forceful and stamp it out.

The founder of Christianity was emphatic about the lives, innocence, wellbeing and aspirations of "children". They were indelibly singled out as his special causes throughout the New Testament.

What the Roman Catholic Church must do - and urgently - is purge itself of these perverted clergymen posing as religious confidantes, who prey on the vulnerable children within their dioceses.

Any less action by the "Church" is only condoning these perverts' disgusting behaviour.