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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

The Evening Post
April 9, 2002

Clerical predators
Letter to the Editor
by Brian Quin, Thorndon

You are rightly angry at the sexual abuse of children by some Catholic priests (Editorial, March 27), and I share your anger. Nevertheless, I think some of your comments are not fair.

"Never mind the kids, what about the Church?" The Pope, in his annual message to priests, certainly emphasised the scandal that the actions of a few had caused, but did go on and describe the Church's concern for the victims. Moreover, the Pope has expressed his concern for child victims on other occasions, for example in December 2001 at the installation of the new Archbishop of Cardiff, Wales.

"Why do Churches harbour so many sexual predators," you ask. The justified publicity that surrounds clerics convicted of child abuse can, in time, give the impression that clerics are more likely to offend in this area than others. I would like to see solid evidence that this is true.

"For Catholics, celibacy surely plays a part," you say. Surely? You don't say why. Surely the unfortunate fact that married Protestant clergy have committed child abuse raises a doubt. The Catholic Church may not have always been careful enough to properly discern which men were called to the celibate state, but that is another matter.

Meanwhile, the Catholic Church in New Zealand does have in place strict protocols, publicly available, to handle claims of clerical sex abuse.