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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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The Evening Post
April 9, 2002

Pope has taken the first step
Letter to the Editor
by Jack Mulheron,  Paekakariki

AT the same time as you published my letter on the sexual conduct of clergy (Letters, March 7), the Pope broke his silence on the wave of child sexual scandals involving priests, saying their abuse of minors was the "worst form of evil possible" and cast a dark "shadow of suspicion" over the entire Church.

My letter, which showed some sympathy for the beleaguered clergy, attracted a personally abusive response from Leigh Thompson who accused me of taking a "pot shot at religion".

Now it seems that the Pope admits the problem I was addressing. I am very pleased. It is the first necessary step.

Now the leaders of the world's religions should change their unrealistic laws which I suggested were at the heart of the problem.

They demonise contraception and call the innocent, harmless, universal practice of masturbation "a grievous social sin". They pile on the guilt and in this is the harm.

The famous English psychologist A S Neill of Summerhill School used to console over-anxious parents who discovered their children practising the secret vice.

"Don't worry," he said, "it won't make them blind or deaf, nor will it make them insane or lead to early death, or even telltale pimples. After all, it didn't do us any harm did it?" (Abridged)