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The Evening Post
May 4, 2002

Man indecently abused daughter

Church leaders knew a congregation member had sexually abused his daughter but chose to deal with the abuse within the church, Wellington District Court heard yesterday.

It was only when the man's former wife contacted her family again that she learned of the abuse and wanted police involved. The man then went to police and confessed before they'd even received a complaint.

Judge Michael Green suppressed the name of the man and the Church to which he belonged to protect the victim's identity.

The man, 37, pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting his daughter between February and December 1999.

Judge Green sentenced him to six months jail suspended for 18 months. He also has to do six months periodic detention, and attend a treatment programme for sex offenders during 12 months supervision.

The court heard the man had cared for his three children, with his parents' help, after his wife left them.

In 1999, he began indecently touching his 13-year-old daughter. The assaults worsened and she eventually told him to stop.

Defence lawyer Bruce Davidson said the man was wracked with guilt and confessed to Church leaders. His children were sent to live with his parents and he was not allowed to see them.

His social contact was usually limited to Church members anyway, but that was also stopped apart from a monthly visit from elders to talk about his sinful behaviour.

Mr Davidson said the man was completely isolated and had two years of what amounted to home detention. He had told police he thought he indecently assaulted his daughter about 100 times, but Mr Davidson said he may have been so guilt-ridden that he overstated the frequency.