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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

May 10, 2002

Lake Alice abuse victims given deadline for claims

The Government has given former Lake Alice psychiatric hospital patients who believe they were mistreated by staff a two-month deadline in which to apply for compensation.

Prime Minister Helen Clark and Health Minister Annette King announced yesterday that former patients had till June 30 to apply for a cash award under a Government-funded scheme.

Last year a group of 95 former patients, who were tortured and sexually abused by staff at the hospital's child and adolescent unit between 1972 and 1978, received a $6.5 million settlement and an apology from the Government.

Miss Clark said the Government had appointed David Collins to act for other former patients who might have grievances but did not want to take part in potentially painful and costly legal proceedings.

Dr Collins, a medico-legal specialist, would analyse, process and act without charge for all applicants for cash awards.

At the same time, the Government appointed Sir Rodney Gallen, who allocated the individual awards for the first group of claimants, to fulfil a similar role in the new process.

A further 60 former patients had come forward since Associate Health Minister Tariana Turia first advised of the availability of the confidential resolution process in October 2001. It was not known how many more were expected to come forward over the next two months.

Miss Clark said the appointment of Dr Collins would ensure that applicants received a high standard of representation.

"The Government wants to resolve the grievances of all those who were at the Lake Alice child and adolescent unit in the 1970s. The process which has been developed ensures equitable treatment of all former patients and makes a final resolution possible," Miss Clark said.

"The process is intended to avoid the pitfalls associated with litigation, such as delays and disputes over fees. It will also ensure that there will not be unnecessary legal costs coming out of publicly funded awards," she said.

Those wishing to take part in the process should contact: The Lake Alice Claims Coordinator, Ministry of Health, PO Box 5013, Wellington by June 30