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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

The Press
June 6, 2002

Cathedral safe for children - Dean
by Tara Ross

Christchurch Cathedral has done all it can to ensure its young people are protected from sexual abuse, says Dean John Bluck.

For the last two years the cathedral has had in place procedures and guidelines for protecting children and young people, and child protection officers have been appointed in each parish to monitor them.

The safety of children has been under the spotlight amid snowballing scandals over sexual abuse by United States and Australian Catholic priests, and now an Anglican Church trust in Auckland has paid compensation to one of three children who suffered years of sex abuse in one of its foster homes.

Last month former St Paul's choirmaster Raymond Eric White was found not guilty of sexually molesting an eight-year-old choirboy at Dunedin's Anglican cathedral 12 years ago.

White, who admitted an unrelated charge of indecently assaulting a 15-year-old boy last May, led annual Labour Day weekend choral exchanges with the Christchurch Cathedral choir before leaving St Paul's in 1998.

"Do we feel more precautions are needed in light of that case, the answer is no," Dean Bluck said. "We're confident that we have a safe environment for children."

The guidelines put in place by Christchurch Anglicans include making sure children are not left alone and a requirement for police checks on all Anglican clergy and lay members who work with children.

The Anglican Bishop of Christchurch, the Rt Rev David Coles, said all applicants seeking ordination must also undergo police checks.

"We've moved quite quickly on that," he said. "That's not to say we've got it perfect but hopefully by putting such things in place we're making things safer and encouraging other churches to do the same."