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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

One News
June 20, 2002

Abuse victims urged to speak out

The Catholic church is urging men who believe they were abused by brothers of the Order of the St John of God in Christchurch to approach the church or the police.

Five New Zealanders have already been paid thousands of dollars in compensation, along with many others in Australia. Now, the St John of God order is urging other victims of abuse to come forward.

The Catholic brothers are accused of sexually and physically abusing boys in their care in the 1960s and 70s. Already, $300,000 compensation has been paid out in New Zealand.

It has been a similar story across the Tasman where the church has paid more than $4 million to 24 intellectually disabled men who attended three separate residential care facilities.

The head of the St John of God order in Australasia is calling for New Zealand victims to come forward.

In a written statement Brother Peter Burke said: "Anyone who in any way feels there is a case to answer (should) bring those matters to me directly or via other parties. I can assure you they will be immediately investigated by other parties - I am including the police."

A church spokeswoman in New Zealand has reinforced that statement.

Lyndsay Freer says the church's primary purpose is to make it comfortable for people to come forward and not to feel threatened.

The church can expect some calls. ONE News has been contacted by two other former pupils who claim they too were mistreated during their time at Marylands.