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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

The Dominion
July 1, 2002

Bishops apologise for sex abuse by priests

In an unprecedented move, Catholic bishops at weekend Mass services throughout New Zealand offered an apology to victims of sexual abuse by priests.

The apology coincided with revelations that Marist priest Alan Woodcock, a music teacher at St Patrick's College, Silverstream, in the 1980s, allegedly sexually abused four boys before being removed from the school.

A letter signed by all bishops was read and distributed at the services.

"The deepening realisation of the number of cases of sexual abuse perpetrated by priests or religious (people) is a cause of grief and shame to all of us," it said.

The bishops pledged their commitment to helping heal those who had been abused.

"The past we cannot change. However, with hindsight, we deplore past mistakes, especially those that were made by ourselves or by our predecessors in handling complaints of sexual abuse.

"To those who are victims of abuse, and to their families, we express our deepest regret and most sincere apology."

It was revealed this weekend that Mr Woodcock had allegedly molested at least eight boys or young men during his 20 years as a priest. At least three times, senior figures in his order, the Society of Mary, were told of the allegations.

Mr Woodcock was moved several times and sent for treatment before being suspended in 1987.

The society has now set up an 0800 line for victims to report abuse. Spokesman Father Denis O'Hagan said people with information about Mr Woodcock should go to police, or to the society if they needed assistance.