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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

The Press
July 3, 2002

Abuse of trust, but much good work too
Letter to the Editor
by Ngaire Stackhouse, Riccarton

Sir--In support of the St John of God brothers: my son spent 6<> years in their care at Marylands in the 1960-70 period, and their care and attention to his needs will always be remembered with gratitude.

His comments have always been that it was the best school he ever attended. I agree, as it helped him to reach his full potential, having been employed by the same firm for almost 33 years.

I do not condone what has happened to others, and I sympathise with the terrible scars they are left with. But I think we must remember not only the dark side but also the wonderful work carried out by the order throughout the world.

I am for ever a grateful parent.