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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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The Press
July 3, 2002

Church inundated with abuse calls
by Yvonne Martin

The Catholic Church is considering how to deal with sex-abuse complaints pouring in against members of its religious orders.

Two toll-free hotlines set up by the St John of God Order and the Society of Mary (Marists) to help people report abuse claims have been inundated with calls.

The St John of God Order has logged 37 inquiries since last Friday. The Society of Mary's vice- provincial, Father Tim Duckworth, said about 50 calls had been received by his order since Sunday.

Several calls related to a former Marist priest Alan Woodcock, who has been accused of abusing teenage boys at St Patrick's College in Silverstream in the 1980s, before being removed from the school. They were referred to police, who are reconsidering whether to extradite Mr Woodcock from England.

The Catholic Communications office also took four calls on Monday, prompted by publicity over the weekend. Two were referred to the hotlines.

Catholic Communications director Lyndsay Freer said a central point of contact may be needed to streamline the complaints process.

"If people want to come forward they have to be given the chance to tell their story and it has to be investigated, as best it can be, retrospectively."

She agreed the Catholic protocol committees, set up to investigate abuse complaints, may be swamped by the wave of new allegations.

"We have to put other things in place, get more people, expand the protocol committees membership or whatever."

The Australasian head of the St John of God Order, Brother Peter Burke, was scheduled to visit Christchurch next week. However, his visit has now been delayed by a week and will include other centres.

The order's spokesman said Brother Burke was fielding as many calls as possible from complainants around New Zealand before finalising his itinerary.

Father Duckworth said the 50 calls received by the Society of Mary included queries and feedback, not just complaints.

Detective Inspector Peter Read said the police had received several inquiries, but no official complaints had been laid.

The Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust has organised a meeting, at 10am on Friday at the Community House, 141 Hereford Street, for people affected by abuse at St John of God's former boarding school, Marylands.

* St John of God's freephone to the order's Sydney headquarters is 0800 888 463 and the Society of Mary's is 0800 SMHELP (0800 764 357).