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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

The Press
July 4, 2002

Tremain cartoon
Letter to the Editor
by Ken Orr, June 29

Sir--The cartoon of Tremain (June 29) is slanderous and deeply offensive to Catholic readers of The Press
. It will be seen by many as an attack on the Catholic church.

Sex abuse is a tragedy, and not a subject for humour. It will do nothing to assist the healing of victims.

It is important to maintain perspective. There are in New Zealand 596 Catholic priests and 172 lay- brothers.

The overwhelming number of Catholic clergy are people of integrity, dedicated and generous in their service to God and to the people they serve.

The tragic betrayal of trust by a few is a cause of pain to the victims, the church, its clergy, and to the city.

Sex abuse is not just a problem for the Catholic church but the whole community.

May we pray that we all learn from this bitter experience that it may not happen again in any church or community organisation.