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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

The Evening Post
July 5, 2002

Good people impugned
Letter to the Editor
by George Bignell, Petone (former St Bernard's pupil)

I refer to the article headlined Police May Extradite Accused Priest (The Post, July 1), and particularly the claims by Brent Cherry regarding St Bernard's College as well as other colleges.

His sweeping statement has cast a shadow of doubt over many good men and women who have taught at that school.

Can I ask if Mr Cherry has evidence? While he is entitled to his views about the behaviour of the Church, he is not entitled to call into question the integrity of all those who taught at St Bernard's in that era by including them under an umbrella of a "pandemic of sexual abuse".

It is not the Church which is in question, it is the behaviour of individual teachers.

Let them be named and clear the good name of everyone else.