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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

One News
July 18, 2002

Church sex claims "horrifying"

The stories of sexual abuse coming from those who lived in a Catholic residential school in Christchurch during the 60s and 70s are horrifying and traumatic, says the Australasian head of the Order of St John of God.

Brother Peter Burke has fronted up to hear stories of at least one predatory paedophile molesting young school boys.

At least 25 men in Christchurch alone are telling Burke stories which show the Catholic school was no place for children.

The church has already paid out over 300,000 from the collection plate to compensate five victims.

Since setting up a call free number it has had a further 65 phone calls.

But Burke says he is not here to hush the victims.

"I am happy for those people to talk. I have nothing to hide," he says.

The church says it is doing everything it can to reach those affected and is trying to provide some redress for the victims.

"It's been terrible. I'm... I've been totally traumatised by what I've heard. I think its tragic that these things have happened under the name of St John of God," Burke says