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The Press
August 17, 2002

Woodcock expected to fight extradition

Police say they expect a former priest accused of sexually assaulting teenage boys will contest moves to extradite him from Britain to New Zealand to face trial.

Alan Woodcock, 54, is accused of indecently assaulting teenage boys at Silverstream in Upper Hutt, Wellington, and Palmerston North between 1982 and 1985 while working as a teacher.

Woodcock was arrested earlier this month as he returned from Greece to his home in London.

On Wednesday, Woodcock appeared for the second time at the Bow Street Magistrates Court in London. He was remanded in custody to Brixton Prison until September 11.

"At the moment I am preparing a file for a full extradition hearing," Detective Sergeant Murray Porter said yesterday.

"We have a liaison officer over there, and he's indicated to us that he (Woodcock) has not waived his right to contest the extradition and consent and be returned.

"Because he hasn't done that and he can't forever remain in custody until we have a formal decision, I'm starting to prepare the file for a formal extradition now."

If Woodcock consented to extradition, he would be escorted back to New Zealand within 10 days to answer the charges, which have not been formally laid.

If he contested extradition, a formal hearing would be held.

That could take months, as a hearing can only take place once authenticated documents have been forwarded to Britain.

If extradition was ordered after a hearing, Woodcock would be returned to New Zealand following a 15-day appeal period.

Since Woodcock's arrest in London three more people have approached police, bringing to 12 the number of people who have made allegations of abuse by Woodcock.