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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

One News
September 3, 2002

Claims nuns tortured children

A 61-year-old woman has gone public with tales of torture at the hands of Catholic nuns.

Ann Thompson lived at Nazareth House in Christchurch from ages 10 to 19 where she says she was repeatedly stripped and beaten by nuns.

The nuns claimed she had the devil in her because she was born out of wedlock, says Thompson.

She tells of how she was so terrified during the beatings that she would often wet herself which brought on more abuse.

"They used to put my head down the toilet and flush the chain," she says.

Thompson recalls how she felt during her younger years. "I wish I was murdered. I wish someone had killed me. While I was little, I used to go to church and ask God to take me away."

Thompson and at least four others are pursuing legal claims against the Catholic Church.

The group is seeking more than $500,000 compensation.