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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

The Press
September 3, 2002

Sisters of Nazareth
Letter to the Editor
by Patricia Hendriks (Worters), Sockburn, Aug 29

Re the alleged abuse by the Sisters of Nazareth in Christchurch (August 16): I was brought up by the nuns, from 1941 to December 1955, from the age of 2 1/2 years to 16 1/2 years -- all of my childhood.

I was sheltered, clothed, fed, educated, disciplined, and above all, given stability. I was given an excellent set of moral values that have held me in good stead, and for all of this I am very grateful.

There was caning (sometimes unfair), as was the custom in schools back then, to keep discipline. I never saw nuns using the cane at random, or any of the macabre allegations claimed.

My memories of Nazareth House, for the most part, are very pleasant and very often extremely funny to recall. Do we want another witch hunt, reminiscent of the Salem witch trials? God forbid.