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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

The Timaru Herald
September 13, 2002

SC allegations over Catholic school abuse

Two South Canterbury people have laid complaints with the St John of God Order regarding allegations of sexual abuse at Marylands, a Christchurch Catholic residential school.

Brother Peter Burke, the Australasian head of the order, visited one former student in Timaru and one in Waimate when he visited New Zealand last month.

In the 11 weeks since revelations broke, the order has fielded more than a hundred phone calls to the tollfree telephone number and received 82 formal complaints.

Brother Burke has met with about 70 former students from Marylands, each of whom has detailed horrific stories of abuse while at the school.

"While I am very conscious of the need to follow through with each and every person I've already met with, which I'm doing as quickly as I possibly can, I also would like to encourage anyone and everyone else who feels they have a story to tell to come forward, too."

Br Burke said he understood it may be hugely difficult or too distressing for some people, but there might be another family member who would be more comfortable doing it.

"I wish to assure them they would be doing so in complete confidence."

Br Burke said the courage, the openness, the honesty shown by the people who have come forward continues to astound him.

"There have been some extremely brave people, who for years, in some cases 30 years or more, have been desperately trying to explain, to rationalise, let alone to come to terms with the behaviour exhibited by their son, their brother, maybe their husband," he said.

"It's a shocking tragedy and one that I'm determined to work through until we can come to some sort of resolution that goes at least some way towards healing the hurt for these people."

The toll free number is 0800 888 463.