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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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The Press
October 19, 2002

Therapy for high-profile priest after allegations

Father Jim Consedine, a high- profile Canterbury Catholic and justice campaigner, has stood down as Lyttelton parish priest amid allegations of sexual misconduct against women.

The former prison chaplain, champion of the underdog, and leading advocate of restorative justice, has left his Lyttelton parish of 17 years to undergo therapy.

Father Consedine will attend a programme in Sydney which specialises in treating clergy for violation of professional boundaries, sexual disorders, and abuse.

Bishop of Christchurch John Cunneen is sending Father Consedine for treatment after receiving complaints from four women of inappropriate sexual behaviour dating as far back as the early 1970s.

Bishop Cunneen told St Joseph's parishioners he has discussed "certain historical allegations" with Father Consedine, who accepted he needed counselling.

"He is taking time out to seek this help and will not be returning to parish ministry in the meantime," Bishop Cunneen said.

The Press made numerous attempts to contact Father Consedine but his brother, Robert Consedine, indicated he would not be talking.