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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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The Press
October 31, 2002

Order hires retired judge to review actions
by Yvonne Martin

A beleaguered Catholic order has hired retired High Court judge Sir Rodney Gallen to review its handling of sex abuse complaints against brothers.

The St John of God Order has been inundated with complaints from about 70 men who claim they were abused as boys by brothers who ran the former Marylands residential school in Christchurch.

It has hired Sir Rodney to review the procedures it has put in place to deal with complaints and to oversee the next phase of negotiations.

Sir Rodney investigated allegations of ill- treatment and sexual abuse at the former Lake Alice Hospital by staff and other patients.

Former patients received $6.5 million compensation and a Government apology last year for abuse they suffered at the hospital in the 1970s.

Sir Rodney was also commissioned to review the Police Complaints Authority by Justice Minister Phil Goff, in the wake of the Waitara killing of Steven Wallace by a police officer in April 2000.

Brother Peter Burke, the Australasian head of the order, said it wanted an independent, eminent New Zealander to oversee and audit its complaints procedure.

"Sir Rodney has overseen a number of huge inquiries in New Zealand and has expertise in auditing processes," Brother Burke said.

"His job will be to audit the process thus far and to advise on how we propose to resolve each case individually."

Brother Burke estimates about 70 complaints received so far are "genuine and serious", mostly dating back to the 1970s. The order will negotiate proposed settlements with complainants, which will then be reviewed by Sir Rodney.

"I have always said that I want this process to be open and transparent and for nothing to be hidden," said Brother Burke.

"It hasn't affected my faith in God, because I don't blame God for this. But it has shattered my faith in human nature."