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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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One News
November 17, 2002

Civil case brought against priest

A woman who says she was a victim of disgraced high profile priest Father Jim Consedine is taking a civil case to the High Court.

Consedine is best known for his work as a campaigner for prison reform, but in October he stepped down from his Christchurch parish after admitting sexual misconduct with a number of women.

Bonnie Quilter, 45, first met Consedine when she was an inmate at Christchurch Womens Prison. He was the prison chaplain.

Quilter says the offending began soon after she was released.

"It was disgusting, it was offensive.

"To have a man expose himself anyway at anytime is bad enough but to have a priest and someone who you trusted and gone to for help and learnt to rely on... look that's shocking," she says.

The church says the claims were not raised in meetings it had with Quilter.

Quilter first complained about the former Lyttelton parish priest more than five years ago. She received a response in July this year.

"I believe myself and the other victims haven't been treated properly by the church," Quilter says.

Since July she has received a sincere letter apologising to her for the oversight.

In 1997 Quilter was imprisoned for a second time after stealing two cheques from Consedine to fund what she says was a lifestyle beyond her means. She is currently repaying the stolen money.

Quilter says pursuing the priest through the courts has nothing to do with revenge.

"This has to do with sexual abuse of myself and others that's been going on for a long time."

Other women are also considering legal action against Consedine, some for offences dating back to the 1970s.

Consedine is currently in Sydney waiting for assessment before undergoing therapy at a Catholic clergy treatment centre.