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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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The Press
December 4, 2002

Order pays $1500 to 70 men
by Yvonne Martin

A Catholic order has handed out a pre-Christmas payment of $1500 to 70 men who complained they were abused as boys by its brothers.

The St John of God Order mailed the payments this week to complainants from the former Marylands residential school in Christchurch, which was run by its brothers.

The one-off "good faith" payments were made to tide the men over until their claims can be resolved by March. The Australasian head of the order, Brother Peter Burke, had originally hoped to settle claims this year.

He said the extra time was needed for retired High Court judge Sir Rodney Gallen to review processes and ensure fair settlements.

Brother Burke had also spent time in hospital, delaying the process.

He invited complainants to accept the payment as "a small expression of our sorrow and our shame for the way you were treated in the past".

Brother Burke said the payment was not part of the financial offer that would be made to the men early next year.

Ken Clearwater, manager of the Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust, met a group of the men last night and said they were pleased with the gesture.

"He (Peter Burke) is prepared to put his money where his mouth is. At the end of the day there is still a lot of negotiating to do, but it is a start."

Justin Richardson, who was at Marylands from 1976 to 1983, said the payment was timely.

"It's a nice gesture. I'm going to spend most of mine on my daughter for Christmas and pay a few niggly bills."

Police are still investigating complaints against the brothers. Once completed, the file will go to Crown solicitors but a decision on possible prosecutions is not expected until next year.