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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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The Press
December 28, 2002

More sex complaints against former priest

More sex-abuse complaints had been made against a former Catholic priest accused of paying hush money to an alleged Dunedin sexual abuse victim, police said yesterday.

Detective Mark Lodge confirmed police in Dunedin had received three formal complaints of sexual abuse.

He understood there had also been similar complaints from other parts of the country.

In July, a man identified only as "Patrick" claimed he was paid hush money in 1997 by the priest to keep quiet about alleged sexual abuse dating back to the late 1950s.

Patrick alleged that for eight years from the age of 10 he was sexually abused regularly by the priest.

Mr Lodge said police had received three formal complaints since July of alleged sexual abuse by the same priest.

All were from men who claimed they were sexually abused by the priest as children during the 1950s and 1960s.

There was a possibility of several other complaints, although the police had received none as yet, he said.

Mr Lodge said it was too soon to say if charges would result, but it was a "distinct possibility".

"We've done as much as we can do down here," he said.

"The complaints have now been forwarded to police in Auckland, who are carrying out further inquiries."

Patrick said in July that he had lived with his secret for almost 30 years but after counselling and treatment for a psychiatric illness he decided to confront the Church in 1997.