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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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The Press
January 18, 2003

Bishop warned of potential liability
by Yvonne Martin

A law firm has written to the Catholic Bishop of Christchurch, John Cunneen, warning he could potentially be liable over his handling of an errant priest.

Father Jim Consedine stepped down as Lyttelton parish priest after 17 years in October amid allegations of sexual misconduct from four women, some dating back to the 1970s.

He admitted misconduct and was sent by the Bishop to a programme in Sydney specialising in treating clergy.

Grant Cameron Associates faxed a letter to Bishop Cunneen yesterday on behalf of one complainant, Bonnie Quilter, who is pursuing legal action over the church's handling of her case.

Lawyer Patrick McPherson wrote that preliminary research indicated a potential legal claim against the Bishop and the diocese over an alleged failure to act.

Ms Quilter complained about Father Consedine's behaviour in 1997 but was subsequently subjected to further "inappropriate and unlawful sexual conduct", said Mr McPherson.

He wrote that another option was to issue legal proceedings against Father Consedine and the diocese.

Mr McPherson declined to comment until the Bishop had had an opportunity to respond to his letter.

The Bishop said he could not comment to The Press because he had not received the letter.

The same law firm is representing a group of men negotiating with the St John of God Order about sexual abuse suffered as boys at Marylands, a former Catholic boarding school in Christchurch.

Mr McPherson asked the Bishop to consider setting up a similar process to that of St John of God's, where a retired High Court judge is reviewing complaints and advising on awards.