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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

One News
January 19, 2003

Nuns' accusers get assessment

The cases of former residents of an orphanage in Christchurch, who alleged they were abused by nuns at the centre in the 1950s and '60s are being individully assessed.

Two independant consultants are working through each claim which centres around the Sisters of Nazareth orphanage.

The orphanage has repeatedly denied the allegations.

A spokesman for the Catholic Church, Lindsay Freer, says once the reviews are completed a mediation process will begin.

Similar claims have been made by former residents of a orphanage run by the Nazareth nuns in Brisbane.

In the Australian cases, the Catholic Church paid each of 17 complainents between 40 and 80 thousand dollars as a result of mediation.

Freer says mediation for the Christchurch complainants is expected to begin in March or April.