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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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The Press
January 29, 2003

Law firm pitches to sex abuse victims

A prominent Christchurch law firm has proposed a "united we stand, divided we fall" stance to alleged Christchurch victims of Catholic Church sex abuse, but some are sceptical.

Grant Cameron, of Grant Cameron Associates, last night invited about 20 abuse victims and family members of victims to enter into the initial stages of a group action against the Order of St John of God.

The order is negotiating with 70 men who claim they were abused as boys at Marylands, a former residential school in Christchurch. Grant Cameron Associates was representing 10 victims before last night's meeting. Alleged victims are awaiting a letter from the order in Australia which will offer a settlement or funding for mediation.

Mr Cameron told those gathered that a group action would provide strength in numbers, where someone with a weaker case would not be adversely affected.

Asked what his motivation was for taking on the group action, Mr Cameron said he wanted to get paid from it, but was not looking to "cream money off disadvantaged people".

Asked what he thought was a fair settlement for the group, Mr Cameron said it was impossible to answer that yet, as "everyone had separate experiences".

After the presentation, one alleged victim said he had "heard it all before".

"It didn't convince me then, and it doesn't convince me now."

Another told The Press the presentation had given him some things to think about. "I came into this open-minded. There was a lot of things about it I didn't know."