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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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The Press
June 3, 2003

Sex abuse trust funds running out
by David Courtney

Funding for the country's only trust supporting male victims of sexual abuse will end in three weeks.

The charity, Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust, supports the bulk of the men with claims of sexual abuse against brothers from the St John of God Order's former Marylands school.

The Christchurch-based trust works with 225 male victims of sexual abuse in New Zealand.

It has been rejected by three previous sources of funding, and is waiting to hear from another six sources on its fate.

Ken Clearwater, the trust's sole worker, said it was frightening to think what would happen to the men he saw if the trust did not continue.

"These men are going to be left in the lurch, it is only now they are beginning to come forward. Where will they turn for support?" Mr Clearwater said.

He said the trust required a minimum of $65,000 a year to survive.

Ideally it needed $95,000 so another worker could be employed to deal with the growing workload.

As well as working with men in the community, Mr Clearwater also works with men in prison.

A client of the trust, and one of the men who suffered abuse by the St John of God Order, said without it he would have been lost.

"Ken has been an absolute godsend. He's put his heart and soul into it and helped so many people," he said.

He said the trust was needed now more than ever as more and more male victims of sexual abuse came forward to seek help.

Christchurch Central MP Tim Barnett said the group had received emergency funding to keep going last year, and he hoped funding could again be found to keep it going. "It is unthinkable that it should stop ... I'll move heaven and earth to help keep it going."