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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

One News
July 3, 2003

Sex abuse claims under scrutiny

Police are to revisit claims by 40 men that they were sexually abused at a Christchurch school run by Catholic brothers after one was charged with making false complaints.

Justin Todd Richardson, aged 34, was paid $95,000 compensation after claiming he was abused by members of the St John of God order of brothers.

Detective Sergeant Earl Borrell says police have discovered that Richardson was not at the school during the late 1970s, when he said he was abused.

Borrell says it is important to investigate all claims as fully as possible.

The order has paid out $3.6 million to 56 men who say they were abused at a residential school in Christchurch run by the order.

Meanwhile the Australasian head of the St John of God order says he is satisfied that it is capable of scutinising compensation claims for sexual abuse by its members.

Brother Peter Burke says he is shocked by the charges against Richardson, but is satisfied the order is doing all it can to check authenticity