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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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The Press
August 6, 2003

Order calls lawyer's actions disgraceful
by Yvonne Martin

The Catholic order at the centre of a sex-abuse scandal has taken a swipe at a prominent Christchurch lawyer for rattling clients over an unpaid $70,000 legal bill.

Brother Peter Burke, the Australasian head of the St John of God Order, has hit out at Grant Cameron for suggesting that abuse victims could be liable if the order did not pay its bill.

"I can't believe this, quite frankly," said Brother Burke last night. "To use vulnerable people as decoys I think is intolerable. It's just disgraceful."

Brother Burke said the legal bill, which Grant Cameron Associates is suing over, would be paid -- as soon as the bank transfer could be cleared.

St John of God has paid $4 million compensation to 56 complainants claiming they were sexually abused as boys at its former Marylands residential school in Christchurch. The order also agreed to pay "reasonable" legal fees for the men who hired lawyers.

Grant Cameron Associates acted for nine men who have received settlements from the order. The bill is for $70,000.

Mr Cameron said, despite assurances, the order had not stumped up with the money by its final deadline of late Monday.

"This has been very silly. It has created a culture of mistrust," he said.

So yesterday the firm filed proceedings against the order in the Christchurch District Court for alleged breach of contract. It also rang its clients saying that if the money could not be recovered from the order, they may be liable for the bill.

"They are very concerned. This particular group thought it had concluded," Mr Cameron said.

One client, Tim Beswick, who bought a new house with his $148,000 payout, feared he could lose it if he had to pay unexpected legal fees. He said he had no leftover cash and hoped that St John of God would pay up.

"I hope that it's true. Brother Burke promised that he would pay it," he said.

But Brother Burke said frightening clients with fears that they may have to sell their house was outrageous.

"I am astounded that he (Grant Cameron) has gone public on this."

Brother Burke said the $70,000 had already left the order's headquarters in Sydney and landed in Christchurch, where it would be paid in the next day or so.

"Sometimes there are a couple of hiccups transferring large funds across the Tasman," he said.

Mr Cameron said his firm had been assured the order would pay today, but he was still sceptical.