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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

The Press
November 8, 2003

Order to pay more to abuse victims
by Yvonne Martin

A Catholic order embroiled in a sex- abuse scandal is about to make more payouts, on top of the $4 million-plus it has already awarded.

The St John of God Order made the first offers of compensation last March to 56 men allegedly abused at a Christchurch residential school. Payouts to former Marylands pupils ranged from about $30,000 to more than $100,000.

Now the order has made financial offers to another 17 men. This time it refused to say what the total offer was worth, while the men were considering their letters.

The order continues to receive abuse complaints and said it was dealing with each case on its merits. Marylands catered for boys with learning or intellectual disabilities until its closure in 1984.

Brother Peter Burke, the Australasian head of the order, told the latest complainants that the offer was made in good faith and believed to be fair and reasonable.

"It may not be full recompense for the pain and suffering you have had over the years, but it is a sincere attempt to make up for what you have lost," he wrote in his letter.

"I hope this will help you pay for things and get on with your life. I think it's very important to try to bring the sad and sorry situation to closure."

The order sought advice from former High Court judge, Sir Rodney Gallen, and KPMG Legal before making the offers.

It said it had had to borrow money so that it could pay the men.

One man, Justin Richardson, who received more than $100,000 in compensation last time, has admitted he made false claims. He pleaded guilty to two charges of making false statements and was told by the judge last month that jail was inevitable. Richardson was remanded in custody.

Former Marylands brother Bernard Kevin McGrath, 56, of Christchurch, faces 33 charges relating to alleged sexual abuse of boys under 16 at the school. He is remanded on bail to appear at a depositions hearing in February.

Police are investigating another four Sydney-based brothers and a former brother, also in Australia.