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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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One News
November 28, 2003

Catholic brothers face sex charges

The police in Christchurch have laid 47 sex abuse charges against three brothers from the Catholic order St John of God, who are now living in Australia.

Police say the charges are the result of a 10-month long investigation into historical complaints by 39 former pupils at the order's Marylands Residential School in Christchurch. The complaints date as far back as 1955.

Warrants have been issued to arrest the men, aged 56, 67 and 81, and police are trying to have them extradited to New Zealand to face the charges.

Two former St John of God brothers who worked at the school are currently before the courts on sex abuse charges.

"It would have been a lot more genuine if they'd just jumped on a plane voluntarily - showed some remorse and come over and faced the music - that would be half way to helping myself and all the other men," says alleged abuse victim Dave.

The head of Christchurch support group Sexual Abuse Against Men, Ken Clearwater, is dissappointed it will take a court order to force the brothers back.

"I think it's great that the brothers are going to face the charges as they should do. The only awkward part about it is that it's going to re-traumatise some of the victims.

Bernie McGrath is one of two New Zealand-based brothers already before the courts on similar charges.

The order has so far paid out more than $4 million to 56 complainants.

Police investigating sex abuse allegations against more than a dozen St John of God brothers found some had died while another in his eighties is suffering dementia.

Those now being charged in Australia are expected to fight extradition