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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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The Press
December 24, 2003

Nuns give gifts to sex abuse claimants

Catholic nuns have donated cars, overseas trips, home appliances and other gifts to victims who claim they were abused as children in two Christchurch orphanages.

The gifts are part of an undisclosed settlement reached by the Sisters of Nazareth with 17 complainants who allege physical and sexual abuse while in the nuns' care at Nazareth House and St Joseph's home.

The complaints span from the 1930s to the 1960s.

Fourteen women and three men confronted the sisters, who were visiting from Australia, in a two-week mediation which ended last month.

Lawyers continued to negotiate compensation until a settlement was reached.

Claimants have received apologies for their "unhappy experiences" under the sisters' care, as well as gifts. The nuns, whose charity work in Christchurch dates back nearly 100 years, are not disclosing what the total package is worth.

Unlike the St John of God Order which has been offering big cash payouts for historic abuse complaints, the nuns' allocations were made on a needs basis.

Some claimants had their mortgages and other debts repaid. One woman asked for a new kitchen. A fund was set up to cover future medical expenses as the claimants age.

A joint statement issued yesterday by the nuns' lawyers, Saunders Robinson, and solicitors for the claimants, said the mediation was "beneficial for all concerned".

One 64-year-old claimant, who wants to be known only as Helen, said while the gifts would make life easier, they would not erase harrowing memories of her three years at Nazareth House.

Helen got a two-year supply of petrol vouchers, a trip to the United States next year to see her best friend, a washing machine, and her hearing aid paid off. Her medical expenses will be paid for the rest of her life.

Helen was put into the sisters' care in 1946 because her mother could not cope with six children.

"We were put into the care of angels, but they turned out to be monsters," she said. "They called me the devil's child. We were punished with the cane and strap."

She remembers being burnt by a nun with a hot stick from the copper used to boil up linen in the laundry where children were put to work.

Another woman, transferred from St Joseph's to Nazareth House in the 1950s, has said she avoids passing the Brougham St property. "I call it the house of pain and shame," she said.

Lawyer Patrick McPherson, of Grant Cameron Associates, said one of his two male clients who received compensation alleged sexual abuse by a nun.

The sisters made payments and apologies to claimants, but did not admit any wrongdoing.

The order came to Christchurch in 1905 to set up a home for needy children and the elderly. Nazareth House took in "orphans", from separated parents or struggling Catholic families, as well as elderly residents. Now it is a retirement home, still run by the sisters.