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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

The Press
December 30, 2003

Sisters make genuine effort to restore justice
Letter to the Editor
by Robyn Cave
Coordinator Decade to Overcome Violence
Conference of Churches in Aotearoa NZ
Christchurch City, December 24

Sir--I was disappointed by the headline and with the way reporter Yvonne Martin described the restitution offered to complainants of historical abuse by the Sisters of Nazareth as "gifts" (December 24). Presenting the restitution like some list of extravagant Christmas gifts is not only trivialising of what those people have suffered in the past and continue to suffer, it is also an erroneous interpretation of a genuine attempt to restore justice.

If there are any gifts given, it is from the complainants themselves. The order may now find peace with itself.

The Sisters of Nazareth appear to have genuinely sought reconciliation and peace with those whose lives have been violated while in the care of their order. The least the media can do is to report with sensitivity and respect, rather than with its continuing propensity for subtle trivialisation and sensationalism.