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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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NZ Herald
January 15, 2004

Former priest expected back in next few days to face charges

A former Wellington Catholic priest being extradited from Britain to face child sex-assault charges is expected to be back in New Zealand in the next few days.

Alan Woodcock, formerly of Upper Hutt, lived in England from the late 1980s but a High Court decision issued from London in November ruled he must return to New Zealand to face trial on charges involving 12 boys dating back more than 20 years.

Detective Sergeant Ron Scott, of Upper Hutt police, told NZPA today that Woodcock was expected to appear in the Upper Hutt District Court on Tuesday.

Detective Sergeant Murray Porter, also of Upper Hutt police, was now overseas and would be escorting Woodcock back, Mr Scott said.

Woodcock is accused of indecently assaulting the boys at Silverstream, Upper Hutt, and Palmerston North between 1982 and 1985 while working as a teacher.