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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

Otago Daily Times
January 17, 2004

A 'culture of abuse'

In one case, the boy who lived at the school from the age of 11-16 reported incidents of his genitals being fondled, rape, and beatings, she said. He was also forced to watch younger pupils receive similar treatment.

"A staff member flogged him on the backside and then locked him in a small room for running away."

As a result of the alleged abuse, the men had led dysfunctional lives, she said.

"In one case, there is a history of a transient lifestyle and long periods in psychiatric hospitals."

It has been absolutely devastating for them, she said.

"For so many years, they thought it was their own fault."

Ms Cooper hoped to lodge legal proceedings in one of the Campbell Park cases in the near future. The other was progressing more slowly because of the frailty of the victim, she said.

Bruce Willis, who was a Campbell Park head teacher in the 1970s, said he was not surprised to hear of the allegations as institutions sometimes attracted a "certain type" of person.

"But, overall, Campbell Park did a pretty good job …. as it provided boys with security and work skills."

The home catered for backward or difficult boys who fell within a certain IQ range or had learning or behavioural problems, he said.

"Some boys shouldn't have been there but there was little alternative as the education system did not cater to the whole range of kids."

When approached, Social Welfare's modern equivalent, Child, Youth and Family, said it had no knowledge of the claims and could not comment.