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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

The Press
February 13, 2004

Sisters of Nazareth
Letter to the Editor
by C J Popplewell,  Christchurch Central, Feb 3

In reference to Yvonne Martin's article (December 24), as with Peter Leeming and M. Wagteveld, I too was appalled at this article, which was dramatic and unbalanced.

As a former resident of seven years, I received or witnessed no such physical abuse from the Sisters of Nazareth. So, I decided to attend the mediation process to meet face to face with the complainants, but much to my frustration only one decided to front-up to the many people who had travelled from all parts of the country in support of the Sisters of Nazareth.

This one complaint that fronted was directly challenged by a resident of the time. What does this tell you?

Further, the case put forward by Cameron & Co's solicitor and Henderson was disorganised and incorrect, and when challenged by former residents they became irritable. Therefore, I challenge Martin to research this case further to obtain a more balanced article.