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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

Newstalk ZB
February 23, 2004

More abuse cases come forward

Number of people claiming sexual, phsyical or mental abuse in children's institutions has tripled in a month

The number of former children's institution inmates claiming they were sexually, physically and mentally abused has tripled in a little over a month.

Sonja Cooper first raised the issue in public on behalf of around 40 people who claim they were abused in the 50s and 60s in state-owned children's homes.

Since then more than 100 more people have come forward.

Ms Cooper says most people have just buried the things that happened to them, but as more and more cases come out in the media, they feel they need to get some sort of justice and then pick up the phone and call her.

She says many of the children were told by staff that they were baby-sitters until the children graduated to prison and in many cases that has been a self-fulfilling prophecy.