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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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The Press
February 25, 2004

No sex offence evidence, say St John of God helpers

Helpers at a Christchurch school where alleged sexual offending took place against pupils say they saw no evidence of misconduct.

Dorothy O'Connor worked from 1971 to 1977 at the St John of God Marylands School during which Brother Bernard Kevin McGrath, 56, was alleged to have sexually abused 18 boys under age 16.

O'Connor, who was giving evidence yesterday at a depositions hearing in the Christchurch District Court via a video link from Melbourne, said she would sometimes talk to the pupils at the school but got no indication of any sexual or physical abuse having taken place.

Asked by Crown prosecutor Karen South why she did not look out out for sexual misconduct, O'Connor said it was because she believed in the brothers' vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.

"And it was unheard of in those days," she said.

If she had seen any evidence of sexual misconduct, she would have confronted the school prior about it, she said. Another helper at the school, Catherine McKeown told the court boys at the school often liked to be around the brothers and saw them as "guides".

"The boys had no major problems that I know of," McKeown said.

Asked by South if she had had complaints from any boys about the treatment from the brothers, McKeown said: "No particular thing comes to mind, I don't recall".

Provincial councillor at St John of God in Sydney, Brother Brian O'Donnell was asked via video link about the reasons behind the transfer of McGrath from Christchurch to Morriset in New South Wales in 1977.

O'Donnell said McGrath was there as a possible successor to a brother in charge of a St John of God school there who had suffered a heart attack. McGrath's experience in "open-plan education" also made him useful as this sort of system was being introduced in Morriset.