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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Sunday Star Times
March 7, 2004

Mel's SM-BD porn
Letter to the Editor
by Denis Hall, Wellington

Among all the international pontificating and claims of anti-Semitism attached to Mel Gibson's movie The Passion of the Christ (February 29) it seems that a key aspect has been missed - perhaps deliberately. He has made a succession of movies with the same theme. An innocent is unjustly treated, hurt, or even killed.

Mel is rightly angered and must bring the wrath of righteousness down upon the perpetrators. In the process our hero (until now he has always been played by Mel), is captured by the baddies, tied up, tortured, whipped, beaten, humiliated and almost killed.

The whipping scenes have always been as graphic as possible in the fashion of the time. See Mad Max 1, 2 and 3, Lethal Weapon and Braveheart. But our brave Mel always escapes to wreak terrible vengeance on those who whipped, tortured and humiliated him. I have to say the unsayable. It all looks like a classic homosexual sado-masochistic bondage fantasy to me.

The more cynical among us, some Marist old boys, see a connection between all this and the huge problem of homosexual abuse, perpetrated by priests, now being exposed in the Catholic Church. I would characterise it as, dare I say it, "religious porn".

Mind you, The Passion of the Christ was filmed in the Sassi in Matera, southern Italy. What a marvellous place. Well worth a visit. Mel's not there any