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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Newstalk ZB
April 3, 2004

Claims of boy's home beatings investigated

Caregivers removed from CYF Windrush Close boys' home after allegations of beatings; police investigating

Staff at an Auckland boys home are being investigated after claims of regular beatings.

Complaints were made by some of the boys themselves.

The allegations surfaced at Child Youth and Family's Windrush Close facility, which provides temporary accommodation for troubled youths.

CYF says it has called in the police, after carrying out its own investigation into the claims.

Spokeswoman Christine Langdon says the caregivers in question have been removed from the home, which was closed for a week while replacement staff were organised.

She says the department always takes abuse allegations seriously, and took immediate steps to ensure the safety of the boys at Windrush Close.

CYF says it is co-operating with the police investigation.

Windrush Close provides temporary accommodation for up to six troubled youths at a time.