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Accusations of Abuse in Institutions


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Index: Accusations in Institutions

Newstalk ZB
April 3, 2004

Katherine Rich claims systemic problems in CYF

Allegations of beatings at a boys home have put Child Youth and Family back in the spotlight.

Staff at the Windrush Close facility in Mangere in South Auckland have been stood down, after formal complaints of assault.

National's Social Services spokeswoman Katherine Rich says the case shows signs of systemic problems in the department but CYF says references and police records of people applying to work for it are always checked.

Ms Rich says she is concerned about the selection of caregivers, and will be interested to see if that process is raised in the investigation of the beating claims.

She says CYF should be placing children into better environments than the homes they are being removed from.

Windrush Close is used as a short-term residence for troubled boys.

It was closed for a week late last year, after complaints boys were singled out for beatings by staff.

Ms Rich says she supports a full investigation into the allegations